(865) 238-5600

The Annual Meeting of the East Tennessee Lawyers Association for Women will occur December 6, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. at the Foundry, 747 World’s Fair Park Drive, Knoxville, TN 37902. One of the purposes of the meeting will be the election of officers.  The Nominating Committee’s report for the 2018 calendar year is below. We look forward to the leadership of these women in 2018.

This year, the Nominating Committee was comprised of President Alyssa Minge, President Elect Loretta Cravens, Mary Miller, Esther Bell, and Jamie Ballinger-Holden (thank you to these volunteers!).

  • President: Loretta Cravens
  • President-Elect: Elizabeth Carroll
  • Secretary: Kati Goodner
  • Treasurer: Andrea Anderson
  • Corporate Compliance: Alicia Teubert
  • Membership Co-Chairs: Allison Jackson and Katie Jones
  • Community Outreach: Anna Swift
  • Programming: Katie Waldrop (Committee: Leslie Beale, Sally Goade)
  • Historian: Stephanie Coleman

Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting. If an elected position is uncontested, a voice vote will be taken. If a position is contested, a secret ballot will be held. Proxy votes are permissible for the Annual Meeting; if you are unable to attend and would like to vote by proxy, please email Secretary Crista Cuccaro.